Bayu Hendro Wicaksono, Ph.D


Bayu Hendro Wicaksono, Ph.D


Research Expertise

English Language Teaching



Google Scholar ID : AgqTngsAAAAJ

SINTA ID : 5995988

Scopus ID : 57219596511

NIDN (National Lecturer's ID): 0728117401

Education Background:

   Bachelor: Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang, Indonesia

   Master: The Flinders University of South Australia

   PhD: University of South Australia, Australia


Wicaksono, B. H. (2024). Exploring Students’ Writing Performance through Corrective Feedback. SELL (Scope of English Language Teaching, Linguistics, and Literature) Journal, 9(1), 29-64.

Wicaksono, B. H., Yuliani, S., Erliana, S., & Rasyidah, U. (2024). The Dynamic Influence of Interactive Feedback on Elevating EFL Students’ Writing Skills. Studies in English Language and Education (SiELE), 11(1), 133-152.

Wicaksono, B. H., Ismail, S. M., Sultanova, S. A., & Abeba, D. (2023). I like language assessment: EFL learners’ voices about self-assessment, self-efficacy, grit tendencies, academic resilience, and academic demotivation in online instruction. Language Testing in Asia, 13(1), 37.

Masrul, M., Rasyidah, U., Yuliani, S., Nurmalina, N., Erliana, S., & Wicaksono, B. H. (2023). The Implementation of Dynamic Assessment in EFL Learners’ Writing. World Journal of English Language, 13(5), 191-199.

Masrul, M., & Wicaksono, B. H. (2023). The Impact of Explicit Instruction on Teaching Vocabulary to Fourth-Grade Students. Seltics Journal: Scope of English Language Teaching Literature and Linguistics, 6(2), 98-114.

Listening for Formal Communication