Triastama Wiraatmaja, S.Pd., M.Si


Triastama Wiraatmaja, S.Pd., M.Si


Research Expertise

English Literature



Google Scholar ID : WmPMp1oAAAAJ

SINTA ID : 6201960

Scopus ID : -

NIDN (National Lecturer’s ID): 0715059103

Education Background

   Bachelor: Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia

   Master: Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia


Sabgini, K. N. W., & Wiraatmaja, T. (2023). THE USAGE OF VIDEO IN TEACHING VOCABULARY FOR YOUNG LEARNERS. Journal of English Educational Study (JEES), 6(1), 93-104.

Wiraatmaja, T., Sari, L. K., & Cahyadi, P. (2022). HOW LISTENING DEEMED AS THE MOST DIFFICULT ENGLISH SKILLS DURING ONLINE LEARNING AMONG STUDENTS?. Premise: Journal of English Education and Applied Linguistics, 11(3), 438-457.

Sabgini, K. N. W., & Wiraatmaja, T. (2022). THE PRE-SERVICE TEACHERS'PERCEPTION ON INTEGRATING TECHNOLOGY IN TEACHING ENGLISH FOR YOUNG LEARNERS. Project (Professional Journal of English Education), 5(4), 706-722.

Farah, R. R., Wiraatmaja, T., & Sumarsono, P. (2022). Critical discourse analysis on name shifting practice among millennial muslims in the indonesian context. KARSA Journal of Social and Islamic Culture, 30(1), 1-33.

Wiraatmaja, T. (2021, November). Critical Discourse Analysis on Difficulties in Teaching English Skills During Pandemic: Indonesian’s English Lecturers Perspectives. In 1st International Conference Of Education, Social And Humanities (INCESH 2021) (pp. 435-442). Atlantis Press.

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