
Involving practitioner in English teaching has a number of significant benefits. Among the importance of involving practitioner are: relevance of field experience, application of theory in real contexts, provision of industry insight, development of practical skills, motivation and inspiration, networking and career opportunities, curriculum updates, and contextual problem solving.

Several practitioners involved in supporting English teaching in the Bachelor of English Language Education include:

  1. Dr. Willy Ardian Renandya (A language teacher educator, The National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)
  2. Dr. Hoa Nguyen (TESOL Expert from The University of New South Wales, Australia)
  3. Prof. Anna Mansilla, Ph.D (Universidad de Murcia, Spain)
  4. Yuta Otake (Regional English Language Office, America)
  5. Robby Aditya, S.Pd (Center Director of English First Malang)
  6. Didik Rocki Wahyono (General Manager of Aston Inn, Batu)
  7. Arif Purnomo Saputro (General Manager of Samara Hotel, Batu)
  8. Supriadi (General Manager Hotel and Resort Onsen, Batu)
  9. Misianto, M.Pd (Guru Penggerak SMAN 07 Malang)