Riski Lestiono, M.A., Ph.D.


Riski Lestiono, M.A., Ph.D


Research Expertise

English Linguistics



Google Scholar ID : gZjxqDgAAAAJ

SINTA ID : 6101353

Scopus ID : -

NIDN (National Lecturer’s ID): 0729038605

Education Background

   Bachelor: Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia

   Master: Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherlands

   PhD: Kyunghee University, South Korea (On going)

Email: riskilestiono@umm.ac.id

Lestiono, R. (2023). From Reading Nonsensical Jabberwocky to Proposing Topics for English Pedagogy. 영어어문교육, 29(3), 1-28.

Lestiono, R. (2023, May). From Rationale to Finale: Redesigning ‘English Speaking for Informal Interaction’Instructional Activities and Material Development. In 20th AsiaTEFL-68th TEFLIN-5th iNELTAL Conference (ASIATEFL 2022) (pp. 569-583). Atlantis Press.

Gusdian, R. I., Lestiono, R., Hidayah, M. N., & Prastiwi, N. W. (2022). Pelafalan Kosakata Bahasa Inggris melalui Bunyi Suara Huruf Hijaiyah pada Guru Tk. JMM (Jurnal Masyarakat Mandiri), 6(1), 620-632.

Setyaningrum, R. W., Gusdian, R. I., & Lestiono, R. (2022). Folktale'Wendit'as the material staging the local folktale of Malang in effort to accomplish an international collaboration. Journal of Community Service and Empowerment, 3(2), 55-63.

Gusdian, R. I., & Lestiono, R. (2021). English and Arabic Vowels: Ferreting Out the Similarity for Bridging Pronunciation Accuracy. Journal of English Language Teaching and Linguistics, 6(2), 297-306

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