Dr. Estu Widodo, M.Hum


Dr. Estu Widodo, M.Hum


Research Expertise

English Language Teaching



Google Scholar ID : -

SINTA ID : 6040699

Scopus ID : 57224520539

NIDN (National Lecturer's ID): 0020056801

Education Background:

   Bachelor: Universitas Jember, Indonesia

   Master: Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia

   Doctor: Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia

Email: estu@umm.ac.id

Abidah, L., Asih, R. A., & Widodo, E. (2023). Digital Game-Based Learning as a Strategy to Expand Vocational Students’ Vocabulary: A Mixed Methods Approach. Journal of Education, 7(3), 419-428.

Chojimah, N., & Widodo, E. (2023). The Willingness to Communicate in English Among Domestic Students in an International Online Class. Theory and Practice in Language Studies, 13(1), 50-58.

Chojimah, N., & Widodo, E. (2022). Figurative Forms of Gender Equality in Indonesian Female Ulama’s Speeches. Eurasian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 8(3), 237-246.

Wicaksono, B. H., Widodo, E., Sumarsono, P., Dharmala, B., & Robania, I. (2020). Technological Monopoly of English for Informatics (Technopoly Etics) to Improve Student Motivation in Learning English. Humanitatis: Journal of Language and Literature, 7(1), 65-70.

Khoirunnisa, A., & Widodo, E. (2019). Students’ difficulties in comprehending narrative text. TELL: Teaching of English Language and Literature Journal, 7(2), 65-74.

Research Methods and Statistic in ELT