Dr. Rina Wayu Setyaningrum, M.Ed


Dr. Rina Wayu Setyaningrum, M.Ed


Research Expertise

English Language Teaching



Google Scholar ID : GGQt5csAAAAJ

SINTA ID : 6164432

Scopus ID : 57222128285

NIDN (National Lecturer’s ID): 0730067703

Education Background:

   Bachelor: Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang, Indonesia

   Master: Rangsit University, Thailand

   Doctor: Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia

Email: rina@umm.ac.id

Setyaningrum, R. W., & Sabilah, F. (2023, May). Interculturality in the Science Classroom Within the Context of Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL): Practices from Indonesian Primary Schools. In 20th AsiaTEFL-68th TEFLIN-5th iNELTAL Conference (ASIATEFL 2022) (pp. 554-568). Atlantis Press.

Setyaningrum, R. W., Setiawan, S., & Anam, S. U. (2023). Book Review: Policy Development in TESOL and Multilingualism: Past, Present and the Way Forward.

Setyaningrum, R. W., Farah, R. R., Sumarsono, P., & Rifah, L. (2023). Ar-Rohmah English week: Expanding English for Young Learners program in an Indonesian Islamic primary school. Journal of Community Service and Empowerment, 4(1), 10-17.

Hastowohadi, H., Supraptiningsih, N., & Setyaningrum, R. W. (2023). Combining Modern Communication Methods With Heritage Education: Teacher Experience in Implementing IDLE on Hybrid Teaching in Indonesian Secondary Schools. In Combining Modern Communication Methods With Heritage Education (pp. 146-164). IGI Global.

Fauzan, Setyaningrum, R. W., & Suparto. (2023). Pointed polysynchronous interactions in CLIL mathematics class during the COVID-19 pandemic: Translation, translanguaging, and trans-semiotizing. Cogent Education, 10(1), 2208776.

Teaching English for Young Learners