Puji Sumarsono, M.Pd.


Puji Sumarsono, M.Pd.


Research Expertise

English Language Teaching



Google Scholar ID : lMIjExgAAAAJ

SINTA ID : 6636570

Scopus ID : 57211299421

NIDN (National Lecturer’s ID): 0729098306

Education Background:

   Bachelor: Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang, Indonesia

   Master: Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang, Indonesia

                   University of Minho, Portugal

   Doctor: Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI), Malaysia (On going)

Email: pujisumarsono@umm.ac.id

Khoiriyah, K., Farah, R. R., & Sumarsono, P. (2024). Assisting 10-week CLIL enrichment program for Islamic-affiliated primary school students. Journal of Community Service and Empowerment, 5(1), 1-12.

Setyaningrum, R. W., Farah, R. R., Sumarsono, P., & Rifah, L. (2023). Ar-Rohmah English week: Expanding English for Young Learners program in an Indonesian Islamic primary school. Journal of Community Service and Empowerment, 4(1), 10-17.

Farah, R. R., Wiraatmaja, T., & Sumarsono, P. (2022). Critical discourse analysis on name shifting practice among millennial muslims in the indonesian context. KARSA Journal of Social and Islamic Culture, 30(1), 1-33.

Farah, R. R., Waloyo, A. A., & Sumarsono, P. (2021). Incorporating English and Islamic knowledge into workbook development for primary school students. IJOTL-TL, 6(2), 189-202.

Farah, R. R., Sumarsono, P., & Sukarma, S. (2022). Prophets and people of the Semitic religion in English translated Quran: Corpus and CDA over western power dominance. Englisia, 9(2), 130-153.

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